Census 2021
It’s Census time!
This year you can complete your Census as soon as you receive your instructions, if you know who will be home on Census night. This is different to past years when you had to fill in your form on Census night.
You can fill in your form online, on paper or with help.

Key Dates
10 August 2021 – Census night
After Census night – Households who have not responded will receive reminder letters and visits from Census staff
Late August 2021 – Field staff start visiting households that have not responded
June 2022 onwards – Release of 2021 Census data starts.
Why a Census?
Census data helps inform decisions that impact you and your community, from schools, healthcare, transport and infrastructure to local services. You can start your Census as soon as you receive your instructions if you know where youâll be on Census night Tuesday 10 August. There are different ways to complete your Census. You can do it online, by paper or with help from Census staff.
Remember to include everyone in your home
Having the right numbers means the right services can be provided in communities. When you complete your Census remember to include everyone staying in your home on Census night, Tuesday 10 August.
The personal information you provide on your Census form is safe. It isn’t shared with anyone, including other government agencies.
Visit www.census.abs.gov.au for more information.
More Resources
What is the Census
Why you need to do the Census
Who needs to participate
Ways to complete your Census
Get help starting your Census
Census stories